Anouk Samuel

Anouk Samson was born on on February 8, 1997, within Miami United States. Her birthday falls on that day each year. A happy birthday wishes to her is a good option to send a birthday wish each day on February 8. Anouk Samuel's father's name is NA and her mother's name is NA. The father of the family was a photographer as well as a mother, who worked as a set coordinator. She was born in Miami. Aquarius is her birth name. She is an actor who has been credited by her role in The Rideshare Killer Escape of Area 51 (2021) and Coyote Canyon. As a former model she worked with the world's most respected designers, publications as well as photographers within the world of fashion. The actress moved to Los Angeles at the age of seven and when she turned ten she was featured in her debut commercial on television. Anouk is present on Instagram as @anouksamuel. Anouk Duplaix has been a part of the scene of entertainment since moving out of France in Los Angeles in 2007. Anouk is one of America's most famous and wealthiest Models. Born in February of 1997. In June of 2023 Anouk has a net worth approximately $5 Million. In June of 2018, she posted to Instagram photos of herself with Kiian, a pop star. The Arsenic agency has her represented as one of the most well-known models. It is also well-known due to her Instagram photos, which have more than 220,000 subscribers. She has been featured in numerous social media advertisements for various brands, including Dulce Vida Tequila Beverly Hills Lingerie and Sloan & Tate. Also, she has been an actor from the beginning of 2019. She was born in South Beach Florida, by a mother and uncle each of whom was a photographer. Anouk was a model who was considered to be one of the United States' richest Models. Anouk's net worth has been believed to be $5 million as per Business Insider & Wikipedia Forbes.

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